Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Gung Hai Fat Choy

That's Happy New Year to the Chinese monkey.  Wow, the year flew by.  I was working a lot in the last half of 2015.  Mom's health seems to mirror the weather.  When it's going to rain, she gets all achy.  It used to just be her knees, now it's her back and shoulders too.  I'm getting physical therapy for my shoulder.  I have better range of motion and it doesn't ache like it used to without a reason.  I was surprised at the progress from the first appointment.  Progress could be better if I did my home exercises.

So we went to a Chinese New Year event at the local library.  Loved the Beijing Opera actors, I never saw Chinese Opera like that before--I mean I've seen Chinese Opera before, but I didn't "get it" like I did this time.  There was also a Tai Chi demonstration from a local group.  Unfortunately they're not close enough to me, and they meet during my work hours.  I'd love to learn that fan form they did.

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