Sword Form

Link to YouTube. Performed by Deng Shihe

1.   holding sword
2.   three Rings of moon
3.   big jupiter
4.   swallow touching water
5.   interception
6.   little jupiter
7.   bee enters cave
8.   clever cat catching mice
9.   phoenix knocking head
10. young swallow enters nest
11. phoenix spreading wings
12. cyclone sword
13. little jupiter
14. cyclone sword
15. fishing
16. cut grass to find snake
17. sending bird to forest
18. black dragon swinging tail
19. wind blowing lotus
20. lion waving head
21. tiger embracing head
22. wild horse jumping across stream
23. one stick of incense
24. turning back to bridle horse
25. compass
26. clean dust toward wind
27. tiger embracing head
28. big jupiter
29. pushing boat downstream
30. falling star chasing moon
31. heaven horse flying over waterfall
32. raising curtain
33. wheeling sword
34. swallow picking dirt
35. eagle spreading wings
36. searching moon at sea bottom
37. night devil searching sea
38. rhinoceros looking at moon
39. shooting wild goose
40. green dragon stretching claw
41. phoenix spreading wings
42. across hurdles
43. shooting wild goose
44. white monkey offers fruits
45. falling flowers
46. jade girl playing shuttle
47. white tiger stirs tail
48. carp jumping over dragon gate
49. black dragon climbing pillar
50. fair pointing road
51. wind sweeping plum blossom
52. embracing ivory tablet
53. conclude