Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Try to use the word 'gank'

The initial blog-building spurt is over.  I was on vacation and stuck in the room for a week.  It was like being in really nice jail cell, in a really nice prison (with swimming pool) and the only place to get away was inside my head.  I wish I could blame the weather, but no, mother was not well and was even more needy and whiney than usual.  I've had tai chi on the brain for a couple months while I've been working out my illustrations.  So I got home and uploaded my lineage handout & 18-style handout, which is my first non-text additions to the site.  They don't need copyright protection, they were flyers & handouts, openly given to me.  But the website text is my work, my compilation, my research, my memory...and eventually, my own illustrations.  I don't mind other people read them, that's why I intend to publish it to the web.  I just don't want them copied without credit.  I tried the html code to disable right click & highlighting. I accidentally got around it without even thinking--whoops!  So I thought I might watermark JPG or PDF pages.  That's more work to GANK the text but it can be done.  Come to think of it, that's the main reason my Geocities site was stuck at the form outlines for 10 years.  I never got around to resolving my issues with copyright or credit, intellectual property, or whatever this is.  I'm a little smarter now, I don't intend to stay stuck.

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